Trade Program Benefits
Bulk Discounts:
Imagine unlocking access to substantial savings through bulk purchasing. Our program rewards your commitment to excellence with unbeatable pricing.
Exclusive Sales:
As a member, you'll step into a world of exclusive sales events and promotions. These are carefully curated to match your professional requirements, giving you a competitive edge.
Personalized Assistance:
Need help finding the perfect materials or seeking expert advice? Our dedicated concierge service is here to cater to your needs.
Inventory & shipping priority:
Your projects demand efficiency. As a member, you gain priority access to our vast inventory and prioritized shipping.
Installation Services:
Take advantage of our in-house installation services, ensuring the seamless execution of your projects.
Electrical Services:
Power up your projects with confidence. Our electrical services cover a full range of customer installation and electrical needs.
Support Local Businesses
Fan Diego is a San Diego family-owned and operated business, serving San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino counties since 1992!
Sign up online. Eligibility criteria apply. Terms and conditions are in place to ensure a seamless experience.